Religious significance of Kailash

Kailasa is regarded in many sects of Hinduism as the ultimate destination of souls and the spiritual center of the world. In Hinduism belief, it is the house of Shiva, the destroyer of evil and sorrow resides at the summit of a mountain named Kailasa, He sit in state of perpetual meditation with his wife Parvati ,the daughter of Himalaya. Kubera , the god of wealth was also belief to have his abode near the mountain.

According to one description in the Vishnu Purana, Mount Kailash is the center of the world, its four faces are made of crystal, ruby, gold, and lapis lazuli. It is the pillar of the world; is the center of the world Mandala; and is located at the heart of six mountains ranges symbolizing a lotus. The four rivers flowing from Kailash then flow to the four quarters of the world and divide the world into four regions.

The largest and most important rock-cut temple, Kailash Temple at Ellora, Maharashtra is named after Mount Kailash. Many of its sculptures and reliefs depict episodes relating to Shiva and Parvati, including Ravana's tale.(Ravana was a devotee of Lord Siva, just like Lord Ram. Ramayana does not document Ravan shaking Kailasa mountain).Ravana's mother had fallen ill, as they were great Shiva devotees, he had attempted to carry the temple on his back to bring it closer to his mother. Shiva being stunned by his bravura, had blessed him with immortality as Ravana had passed Lord Shiva's test on devotion.